It’s no secret that without volunteers, clubs and sport events wouldn’t exist. Whether it’s club leads, coaches, officials, race directors, course marshals or aid station attendants, every single volunteer is essential for a successful sports experience.

It’s essential to highlight and thank these dedicated, hard-working and indispensable individuals for their incredible contribution to sport! Unfortunately, sometimes it is possible to forget the critical roles they play for the ongoing success of our events and clubs.

Triathlon BC is kicking off a campaign recognizing individuals that have selflessly committed to developing our sport in all regions of our province. Please help us identify these deserving individuals that have contributed to the sport community by selflessly offering their time and effort. Do you know a friend, teammate, co-worker or a member of the broader sport community who inspires you and who should be recognized? Anybody can nominate an individual whose voluntary work strengthens and enriches the provincial sport community. Nominating an individual is as easy as:

  • Think of an eligible candidate and tell us why they deserve to be recognized. Be sure to provide details about the type of volunteer work accomplished, the names of any organizations involved, the dates and length of service and the impact their work has had on the community.
  • Gather your candidate’s contact information. You are now ready to submit your nomination!


To be eligible, volunteers need to have made significant, sustained and unpaid contributions to their sport community.

On behalf of multisport clubs and racing events across the province, Triathlon BC would like to thank every volunteer who has contributed their time in creating a safe and fun participation experience. Without you, sport simply would not be possible!

If you interested in volunteering in your community, please send us a note. We’ll do our best to align you with local opportunities and help you become part of somebody’s unforgettable sport memories!