A Tribute to the Heart and Soul of Our Community

The multisport community thrives on the dedication, passion, and tireless efforts of our volunteers. They are the unsung heroes who work behind the scenes, ensuring that every event, and every training session runs smoothly. Today, we want to take a moment to shine a spotlight on these extraordinary individuals who generously give their time and energy to make our sports a success across the province.

The Lifeblood of Our Programs

Volunteers are the backbone of our sports community. From coaches to officials to race directors, and everyone in between, their contributions are invaluable. They bring enthusiasm, expertise, and a spirit of camaraderie that inspires athletes and fosters a sense of community. Without their unwavering support, our events simply wouldn’t be possible.

  • Coaches: Our coaches are more than just instructors; they are mentors and role models. They spend countless hours planning training sessions, developing skills, and nurturing the potential in each athlete, regardless of age. Their guidance helps shape not just better athleticism, but better individuals.
  • Club Board Members: These organizational wizards keep everything running like a well-oiled machine. From coordinating training schedules to managing swim lanes and ordering race kits, their behind-the-scenes efforts ensure that clubs can focus on the racing without any distractions.
  • Officials: Their commitment to fairness and sportsmanship is commendable. They make tough calls and uphold the integrity of our sport, often in challenging circumstances, all for the love of the sport!
  • Race Directors: Pulling off successful events is no small feat. Race Directors handle logistics, promotions, and every tiny detail to create memorable experiences for athletes and spectators alike.

Triathlon BC is kicking off a campaign recognizing these special individuals that have selflessly committed to developing our sport. Please help us identify deserving individuals that have contributed to the sport community by selflessly offering their time and effort.

Do you know a friend, teammate, co-worker or a member of the broader sport community who inspires you and who should be recognized? Anybody can nominate an individual whose voluntary work strengthens and enriches the provincial sport community. Nominating an individual is as easy as:

  • Telling us why an individual deserve to be recognized. Be sure to provide details about the type of volunteer work accomplished, the names of any organizations involved, the dates and length of service and the impact their work has had on the community.
  • Gather your candidate’s contact information. You are now ready to submit your nomination!


To be eligible, volunteers need to have made significant, sustained and unpaid contributions to their multisport community.

Join Us in Saying “Thank You”

We invite everyone in our community to join us in expressing heartfelt gratitude to our volunteers. Whether it’s a simple thank you note, a shout-out on social media, or a public recognition at our next event, let’s make sure they know just how much they are appreciated.

How You Can Get Involved

If you’ve been inspired by the incredible work of our volunteers and want to get involved, we’d love to hear from you! There are many opportunities to lend a hand, no matter your skills or availability. Contact us to learn more about how you can contribute to our vibrant multisport community.

Feel free to share this post widely, and let’s spread the word about the incredible impact our volunteers make every day. Together, we can build an even more vibrant and supportive multisport community.