Young triathletes from across BC can mark their calendars for the return of the Victoria Spring Break Camp!

This 5-day camp will be from Saturday March 15 to Wednesday March 19th, and is designed for youth and junior triathletes aged 14-17yrs. Daily sessions will be 9:00am – 4:00pm, covering all the disciplines of triathlon, along with seminars, S&C, mini races, and other sports! It is the perfect opportunity for young triathletes to learn fundamental and advanced skills from experienced coaches. It will also be a fun experience to train alongside similar aged athletes and get to know athletes from across BC!


The Saanich Commonwealth Place, 4336 Elk Lake Drive; Victoria B.C.

Saanich Commonwealth Place can be reached from the Elk Lake Dr. exit or the Royal Oak Dr. exit off of Hwy 17. All swim sessions and seminars will be conducted at Commonwealth Place. Cycling workouts will be conducted on the roads in the surrounding community (mostly rural), and the running workouts will be conducted at the nearby Elk Lake.

List of Required Gear

Bike (road) in good working order*
Fenders (full wheel) on bikes
Spare tubes, patch kit, frame pump and tire levers
Cycling helmet
Appropriate eyewear for cycling
Appropriate shoes for running (and cycling if using clip less pedals)
Appropriate clothing for cycling and running in wet or dry weather
Swimsuit, goggles, and towel
2 water bottles and cages mounted on the bike

* We strongly encourage all athletes to have their bikes tuned up by their local bike shop prior to attending the camp. Poorly maintained bikes will monopolize coaching time and limit the training/learning of athletes.

Outline of Camp Activities

The following is an outline of the tentative scheduled activities. We have endeavored to develop a schedule with an equal emphasis on training, education, and fun. We recognize that athletes will demonstrate different levels of ability and fitness and have planned accordingly.

Saturday, March 15th

Meet at Pacific Sport for introductions; dryland
Swim:  skill assessment, drills, skills, workout
Bike: skill assessment and acquisition
Lunch / video/ bike tactics seminar in Pacific Sport boardroom
2:00-4:00 p.m.
Run: skill assessment, drills, workout
Gym/outdoor: alternate sport

Sunday, March 16th

Swim: drills, skills workout.
Seminar at PacificSport – Lunch
Run workout
1:30-4:00 p.m.
Seminar at PacificSport- Season Planning
Gym/outdoor: alternate sport

Monday, March 17th

9:00am- 2pm
Swim: Endurance
Bike: Hill workout at Willis point Rd
Lunch at PacificSport boardroom and seminar on run racing tactics
2:00-4:00 p.m.
Run: drills, workout
Gym/outdoor: alternate sport

Tuesday, March 18th

Swim: Technical skills, drills
Transition workout (CWP)
Seminar on Nutrition
Seminar on age specific strength routine
Gym/outdoor: alternate sport
Seminar on Motivation with video

Wednesday, March 19th

Swim: speed endurance with team races
Bike workout with team races
Lunch provided
Seminar: Triathlon racing tactics
2:00- 4:00 p.m.
Run workout with team races
Camp Awards and team awards
Athlete departure

*Schedule subject to change.


Although we have scheduled recovery time and free time into each day, athletes will be very busy with training sessions and seminars. It is therefore essential that athletes adhere to a regime of proper nutrition and hydration. Athletes are encouraged to always have a water bottle with them, containing either water or an energy drink, to stay properly hydrated. Athletes should come to camp each day after an adequate breakfast, and it is recommended that athletes bring a minimum of two (2) snacks, (i.e. sports bars, fruit, nuts, trail mix) with them each day.

We do have limited refrigeration space to accommodate everyone, athletes should keep this in mind when preparing lunches and snacks. Athletes with special dietary concerns (allergies, etc.) are hereby notified that every effort will be made to accommodate but due to the nature of a recreation center and the number of various users, athletes should always be aware of their surroundings.


Every effort is made to accommodate out of town athletes with home stay. Home stays are limited so please register and request a home stay by January 1st, 2025.

If no home stays are available or athletes are traveling with family, Triathlon BC is working with local hotels to secure a preferred rate. If you are interested in hotel information, please contact for more information.


Camp cost is $525.00

Participants must be annual Triathlon BC members


Registration deadline extended to March 3rd, 2025

Any questions, please reach out to Kelly Guest, Triathlon BC Provincial Head Coach
