We caught up with Daniel Damian, 2023 U23 National Triathlon Champion and 3rd in Elite, to share some season highlights along with his pathway from a youth athlete to the national and international triathlon podium.

Congratulations on your recent success, it’s been incredible to see you win at Nationals and podium in Europe!

You were on a Triathlon BC Europe project in June/July for a 6-week training and racing block, can you share a bit about that experience, and your podium at the Europe Triathlon Premium Cup in Holten?

Traveling to Europe for training and racing has been an awesome experience. The racing has been incredible in my development as an athlete. All the competitions are super competitive which means there is no room for error. After racing four times back-to-back weekends I was able to secure a podium spot at the Europe Triathlon Premium Cup Holten in the final race in Europe. I was able to transfer everything I had learned in the previous races to execute a good all-round race which I am super happy about. 

It was a quick turn-around to Quebec for National Championships a week after Holten – how did you prepare, and what helped you win,  the U23 National Championships?

Traveling from Europe to Montreal for National Championships was quite chaotic with storms and missed flights. Nonetheless, I learned how to cope with traveling between races and prioritized my sleep and recovery. This played a big factor in my success in Montreal. 

It’s been a busy past few months for you – what’s next on the calendar?

Now I take a much-needed break to relax and enjoy the beautiful summer weather. Soon I will start to gradually build my training for the upcoming XC and Track season with the UVic varsity team where I will also be studying Biology. 

Can you share a bit of your history: How did you get started, what got you into triathlon?

I started off with competitive swimming and soccer growing up. Soccer was my passion and my goal was to eventually play pro in Europe. When I was about 17 after one of our annual fitness tests, my soccer coach asked me if I’d ever considered doing a triathlon (as he knew I was also a swimmer).  Andrew Latham my soccer coach at the time was good friends with Kelly Guest my current triathlon coach. I gave it a go and the next thing led to another and here I am today!

Were you part of a club or training group when you were younger (under-16)?

I was swimming for Pacific Coast Swimming and played soccer for the Vancouver Island Wave.

What is the most important skill you learned or developed as a young athlete?

The biggest skill I learned is to simply trust the process. Surround yourself with people who want the best for you and listen to those with more experience. 

Did you compete in BC Summer Games, or Canada Summer Games? if so, what was your favourite memory of the games?

I did not compete in the BC Summer Games but just last year I traveled to Niagara Ont. to compete in the Canada Summer Games. It was an incredible experience to be part of a multisport event with Canadians coming from all over the country. The opening ceremony will be something that I will never forget. 

Did you compete at National Championships, or World Championships as Junior, if so, what was the best experience from those events?

Not as a triathlete, but my soccer team did compete in the National Soccer Championships in Laval Quebec in 2019 (as Team BC)

As a CSI Targeted Athlete, how has this support helped you develop as a high performance athlete?

I have been incredibly fortunate to have support from CSI. I have been given the opportunity to have a specialized gym program, regular lab tests, and nutrition seminars. This provides us with the essential data for optimal training and recovery. 

What does the average day look like for you right now, training wise?

Currently, during the offseason, it consists of zero training. This is a time to rest and recover, physically and mentally. During the fall I will be hitting 20+ hours of training to build strength and aerobic base. Then as we get closer to triathlon season, volume starts to decrease and we start to integrate more speed work. 

Who is your sporting Idol?

This is a tough one, as I have had many sporting idols growing up. If I were to narrow it down to just one, Micheal Phelps has been someone I have always admired. His dedication and constant drive to become the greatest swimmer in history is something I admire. 

What is your favourite pre race, and post race meal?

I don’t have any pre-race/post-race meal preferences – I’ll eat anything that doesn’t include fresh olives!

What’s on your pre race, or training, playlist?

Anything upbeat like rap or EDM gets the job done. These usually get me in the zone!

What advice would you have for any younger athletes starting their triathlon journey?

Don’t limit yourself to just one sport. Enjoy the process of getting better every day and most importantly have fun!

Thanks so much for your time, congratulations on your performances so far this year, and we’re looking forward to seeing more great results in the future!

Elite field, Daniel Damian, Triathlon National ChampionshipsPhoto Credit: Bernard Brault/Triathlon Canada