Sport BC recognizes the importance of volunteers in sport. The significant role volunteers play in the sport sector is celebrated through Sport BC’s Presidents’ Awards. The Presidents’ Awards presented by Sports With Balls are given to volunteers from Sport BC member and partner organizations who demonstrate the spirit of volunteerism through the dedication, commitment, and tireless energy they give to their sport organizations. The 45 recipients were celebrated during Sport BC’s 55th Athlete of the Year Awards that took place on Thursday, March 9, 2023.

Triathlon BC recognized Board Treasurer, Stewart Scott in 2022.  Stewart Scott has been an active and contributing Board member since 2019. Initially elected as a Member at Large, Stewart quickly assumed the Treasurer position, where his analytical skills and financial acumen have helped Triathlon BC advance their business practices.

Outside of his role as the Treasurer, Stewart is a local business owner, and as an active athlete, previously represented Canada at the Age Group World Championships. Stewart continues to compete in as many multisport events as his schedule allows.

Congratulations to all of the 2022 Presidents’ Awards Recipients, thank you for all you do for sport in British Columbia.

About Sport BC
Sport BC believes in the power of sport and is committed to building stronger communities through positive sport experiences. Our goal is to enhance and support sport participation in British Columbia ensuring everyone has the opportunity to thrive. Through our KidSport BC, BC Amateur Sport Fund, and ProMOTION Plus along with our services Sport BC Insurance, and Payroll and Group Benefits; Sport BC supports our sixty plus member organizations. Keep up to date @SportBC