Triathlon Canada (TC), the national governing body for the sport, is currently seeking nominations for two of eight Director positions to each serve a four-year term until the 2028 Triathlon Canada Annual General Meeting (AGM). The Nominations Committee is requesting that nominations for Directors be submitted by July 29, 2024.


The Nominations Committee has assessed the skills, experience and diversity needs of the Board and recognizes several important needs:

Essential Criteria:  The following skills and experience are critical

  • Knowledge of Sport/Para Sport
  • Experience with a Governance Board
  • Fund Development
  • Business and Financial Acumen
  • Policy Development
  • Stakeholder Engagement
  • Team Player

SpecificCriteria: Sought at this time

  • Government Relations
  • Strategic Change Management
  • Marketing/Communications
  • Risk Management
  • Sponsorship
  • Legal
  • National Sport System Perspective

General Criteria

  • Leadership
  • Financial
  • Political Capital


Individuals wishing to run for a position as a Director, including current Directors, are subject to nomination which requires the submission of a signed Candidate Application Form and supporting materials by the application deadline.

The Nominations Committee will conduct due diligence by reviewing the nominee’s qualifications, the required skills and attributes, and potential conflict of interest or other significant matters which would preclude the nominee from successfully fulfilling the duties of a Director.

Each nominee must complete and sign a Candidate Application Form and submit it to the Nominations Committee along with a letter of intent and a résumé outlining the nominees’ qualifications, successes, work, and volunteer history. Nominees may further submit:

  • A campaign platform describing what the nominee would like to do to further the objectives of Triathlon Canada – this material may be as detailed or specific as the nominee desires
  • A headshot photo
  • A biography of the nominee (maximum 300 words)
  • Testimonials from other organizations or other individuals

Applications may be received by email or courier to the following address by 5:00 PM (PST) on July 29, 2024.

Triathlon Canada
c/o Nominations Committee
121-1925 Blanshard Street
Victoria, British Columbia V8T 4J2
Email: Nominations@triathloncanada.com