This document establishes the eligibility and selection criteria for entry into all 2023 World Triathlon Paratriathlon Events.
**NOTE: Triathlon Canada’s Major Games nomination policy is independent from this document as selection is NOT determined by Triathlon Canada.

1. The 2023 World Triathlon Paratriathlon events calendar is attached in Schedule 1
2. Selection according to the terms of this Policy will not qualify an athlete for participation in any World Triathlon event if the athlete is not eligible according to the World Triathlon Eligibility Rules applicable to the aforementioned events.
3. World Triathlon determines the maximum number of quota positions, as per the World Triathlon Qualification Rules, for all the aforementioned events.
4. Neither this policy, nor World Triathlon’s require Triathlon Canada to select any or all athletes to the maximum number of allotted quota positions.
5. This policy can be amended at any time by Triathlon Canada if Triathlon Canada is of the opinion that such an amendment is necessary due to any change in World Triathlon guidelines, or to give effect to the Policy following discovery of a drafting error or oversight, or for any other reason determined to be in the best interests of Triathlon Canada by Triathlon Canada. Triathlon Canada shall not be responsible or liable in any way to any one as a result of any such amendment.
6. The Schedules and Appendices and any other document referred to in this document form part of this Selection Policy.
7. It is the athlete’s responsibility to read and understand this Policy (and other supporting documents and/or policies).

In the first instance, for further clarification relating to this Policy, queries should be directed to the High-Performance Director.

If an athlete is still unclear about the Policy (and other supporting documents and/or policies) operation or effect, independent legal advice should be sought.

Only athletes meeting the following terms will be eligible for selection.
1. World Triathlon Eligibility Criteria
An athlete must:
• Comply with all current WT Rules regarding citizenship, national representation and eligibility.
• Be a Canadian Citizen;
• Complete the World Triathlon medical Pre-Participation Evaluation (PPE) prior to competing in any World Triathlon event for each calendar year.
• Submit all required classification documents to the Director of Paralympic &

Development Programs. • Meet all classification requirements as required by the World Triathlon Classification Rules
If there is any doubt regarding eligibility to compete for Canada, athletes must contact the High-Performance Director (HPD) or designate of Triathlon Canada for clarification.
2. Triathlon Canada Specific Eligibility Criteria
An athlete must:
• Be a Canadian citizen;
• Be members in good standing with a Triathlon Provincial Sport Organization;
• Be in good standing with Triathlon Canada;
• Have a current Triathlon Canada International Competition Card (ICC);
• Have completed 80% of daily metrics in Smartabase/Training Peaks;
• Be deemed healthy to race as per Triathlon Canada’s Competition Readiness policy (Appendix A);
• Participate fully with Team Canada as per the Triathlon Canada Athlete Agreement
• If applicable, participate in the 2023 Triathlon Canada National Championships
• Have a coach of record that is in good standing with the Coaching Association of Canada and Triathlon Canada OR be in good standing with their respective National Sport Organization/Coaching Association

Subject to quota spots, eligible athletes will be selected in priority order as per the following criteria:
Note: All athletes selected for quota spots will be placed on the World Triathlon waitlist by Triathlon Canada. Final start list is governed by World Triathlon rules (including substitutions, see Section F)
Note: Triathlon Canada will not place over quota athletes onto the waitlist till AFTER the start list has been generated by World Triathlon (*pending confirmation with World Triathlon)
Priority #1 – Athletes that have achieved two (2) podium finishes in World Triathlon Paratriathlon events (World Triathlon Para Series Event or World Triathlon Para Cup Event) in 2022/2023 will be placed on the World Triathlon waitlist
Priority #2 – Athletes that are approved for 2023 Sport Canada Athlete Assistance Program support.
Priority #3 – Identified Next Gen/Triathlon Canada National Development Team athletes that have met Triathlon Canada and World Triathlon eligibility requirements.
Priority #4 – At the discretion of the High-Performance Director, athletes may be placed on the World Triathlon waitlist to fill the quota spots. The High-Performance Director is not obligated to execute this selection.

To read the full Triathlon Canada World Triathlon Paratriathlon Event Selection Policy, please click HERE.