Triathlon BC Statement on Commitment to Safe Sport

Sport organizations in British Columbia are committed to creating a sport environment that is accessible, inclusive, respects their participants personal goals and is free from all forms of Maltreatment. As part of Triathlon BC's commitment to Safe Sport, our staff and board have completed Commit to Kids training. Triathlon BC has also signed the Responsible Coaching Movement Pledge.
Process for Reporting
The British Columbia sport sector is committed to advancing a respectful sport culture that delivers quality, inclusive, welcoming and safe sport experiences.
The BC Universal Code of Conduct incorporates the key elements of the Universal Code of Conduct to Prevent and Address Maltreatment in Sport (UCCMS) in place at the national level and outlines expected and Prohibited Behaviours of conduct in sport in B.C.
Triathlon BC takes reports of misconduct very seriously. In partnership with our provincial and national stakeholders, we work hard to develop a safe, fair and anonymous reporting structure for multisport in BC. Respect, accountability and resilience are our core team values for this organization.Creating a safe training and competitive environment for all members is Triathlon BC’s number one priority and a responsibility we share with all sport participants. If you have been a victim of or witness to harassment or discrimination, please reach out to the independent third party case manager designated to receive your complaint and consider contacting the Canadian Sport Helpline.
A more detailed outline of the reporting process can be found on our National Sport Organization’s Discipline and Complaints Policy – Triathlon Canada Discipline and Complaints Policy. The following is a condensed summary of the reporting steps.
- Any individual may report an incident or complaint to Triathlon Canada via our Case Manager in writing.
- All reported incidents are handled by a designated third party Case Manager (see below).
- The Case Manager will determine how the case is handled depending on the severity of the allegations.
Case Manager: Heather MacKenzie
Phone: (604) 689-4244
If the alleged incident is determined NOT to include an element of discrimination, harassment, violence or abuse it will be considered a minor infraction and the case will be handled by representatives of Triathlon BC’s Board of Directors and Executive Director. Examples include:
- Disrespectful conduct
- Minor incidents of violence (tripping, pushing etc.)
- Conduct contrary to the values of Triathlon BC
- Non-Compliance with Triathlon BC’s policies, procedures, rules or regulations
- Minor violations of Triathlon BC’s Code of Conduct
If the alleged incident is determined to contain an element of discrimination, harassment, violence, or abuse the Case Manager MUST appoint an independent third party such as the Sport Dispute Resolution Center of Canada (SDRCC) to investigate the complaint. Triathlon BC must also adhere to any reporting requirements mandated by the federal government.Examples include:
- A conviction for any Criminal Code offense
- Major incidents of violence (e.g., fighting, attacking, sucker punching)
- Major or repeated violations of Triathlon Canada’s Code of Conduct and Ethics
- Pranks, jokes, or other activities that endanger the safety of others
- Conduct that intentionally interferes with a competition or with any athlete’s preparation for a competition
- Conduct that intentionally damages Triathlon Canada’s or its partner’s or sponsor’s image, credibility, or reputation
- Consistent disregard for Triathlon Canada’s bylaws, policies, rules, and regulations
- Intentionally damaging Triathlon Canada’s property or improperly handling Triathlon Canada’s monies
- Abusive use of alcohol, any use or possession of alcohol by minors, or use or possession of illicit drugs and narcotics
- Any possession or use of banned performance enhancing drugs or methods
- Repeated minor incidents

National Sport Trust Fund
Triathlon BC’s Pool to Podium program has been created to bring high performance athletes from a provincial level to an international performance standard. These athletes have been identified as meeting and/or exceeding strict eligibility criteria. It brings together top tier athlete support, advanced coaching, intensive training, and international caliber competition opportunities. Donations made to the Pool to Podium program will be used to offset the cost of facility rentals, routine health and wellness screening, physiological testing and assessment, training, travel and cost of competitions for developing young athletes on the cusp of making our National Team.